Teenage is the most difficult time, both mentally and physically. Physically its time for several hormonal changes, one needs to adapt with them and mentally, one is in a transitional stage. One is neither matured nor a child. All these changes together, can be seen on the skin, in the form of pimples, acne, oily skin etc. Teenage, which is said to be one of the most beautiful stage of a woman's life, cannot handle the pressure of bearing a single mark on her beauty. So, here is are some teenage skin care tips, to retain your youthful beauty -
1.Don't Touch – If you evaluate, you will notice that you touch your skin several times a day, don't do it. This only increases the skin contact with germs. Hands are always exposed to bacterias and touching your face continuously will lead to more bacterial reactions. Even after washing your face wipe it with a clean napkin.
2.Cleanse – One of the basic teenage skin care tip is to cleanse your skin. At this time your skin tends to be oily, which leads to blocking of the skin pores and the blocked pores thus react as pimples, acne and blackheads. To avoid this, cleanse your skin with home remedies. Washing your face with milk, using a face pack of flour, honey and rose water, wiping your face with rose water are some of the skin cleansing suggestions.
3.Prevent Tanning – Another major teenage skin care tip is to prevent oneself from tanning, which is prevalent in the summer season. One of the best way t prevent sun tanning is to use sunscreen but as your teenage skin is delicate, use a 15 SPF sunscreen. Other natural ways are to apply potato juice, tomato pulp and honey on your skin. These are all natural bleach and clears the skin of dark patches.
4.Avoid Cosmetics – Though many won't agree but one of the teenage akin care tips is to avoid the use of harsh cosmetics. Teenage skin is delicate and can easily react to cosmetics chemicals. During teenage, your skin is naturally beautiful, so, flaunt it and in 2011 the trend too is that of natural beauty.
5.Diet – Most of the youth these days are depended on junk diet. Burgers, french fries, soda is their regular diet and reason for skin troubles. Unfortunately, one of the teenage skin care tips also recommends avoiding junk diet. These are oily food which if taken regularly forces the system to be used for skin. The use of bad oil for skin, needless to say results in ill effects on skin. Thus, keep your diet right. Citrus fruits, green vegetables, lean protein, vitamin – specially B12 is your way to a beautiful self.
Follow these teenage skin care regime and enjoy the beautiful years of youthful self.