5 Tricks To Avoid Bikini Line Bumps

It’s a great time of year to be outside, take a trip and hit the beach, or bring out that “so college” inflatable pool. Regardless of your proximity to water, the perfect bikini zone is a vital part of embracing swimsuit season. While we already filled you in on the best ways to shave your entire bikini area, we wanted to focus on bump prevention on the most  sensitive area of your shave – the bikini line.

Exfoliate and prep
You know what they say, the best offense is
a good defense. The same can be true for preventing bump breakouts! Before you shave, make sure you exfoliate and use a moisturizing Shave cream. If you don’t have moisturizing shaving cream on hand, use your conditioner – anything is better than bar soap!
Opt for moisturizing shave cream over  your regular body wash or bar soap, as they can leave an uneven residue on the skin which can cause you to miss a spot, or cause the razor to be less effective after the blades pick up the soapy residue and become slick. Also, always make sure you use a new blade for each shave, and always shave with the grain of the hair.

One of the best kept secrets about trimming your bikini line is to apply deodorant right after you shave. No fancy deodorant necessary, just make sure to get a separate stick from the one you use on your arms and always clean it after you’re finished. Also, avoid gel deodorants, as they could leave deodorant marks on your bikini if you put it on before it fully dries.

Black Tea
Another great secret to getting rid of annoying bikini line bumps: look no further than black tea. Black tea is a natural anti-inflammatory, and thus will help to banish those bumps for good. Simply brew some black tea and store in the fridge or throw in some ice cubes to keep it chilled, then apply it on your bikini line after shaving with a cotton ball while it’s still cold.

Applying Neosporin soon after you shave is another great way to eliminate razor bumps as a preventative measure, it works fast to stop the bumps before they form. The great thing about this option is that Neosporin is a medicine cabinet staple, there’s always a tube laying nearby. Put it to good use and apply a minute or two after shaving for a smooth and bump-free bikini line.

Aloe Vera Gel
Honestly, is there anything aloe can’t do? It’s a great moisturizer, helps heal sunburns, and can also both prevent and heal bikini line bumps. The trick is that it’s packed with moisture, which the sensitive skin around the bikini line will soak in immediately to help eliminate razor irritation. Plus, you’ll feel smoother afterward without smelling like salicylic or glycolic acid, which are in many post-shave treatments.

What do you think?
What are your best tips and tricks on preventing bikini line bumps? Share them with us in the comments section below.