You are ten minutes late as you are stuck in the traffic, you have a big coffee spot on the white shirt and you are about to give up going to the settled interview. Still, you want the job and you don’t want to lose this enormous chance. It isn’t surely the best day of your life but with a little inspiration you can manage the situation.
Anyone can have a problem and the person who interviews you will appreciate the fact that you announced your delay. Otherwise, you will create the appearance of an unserious person. A phone will help you avoid this situation.
Be opened and sincere
The last thing a person wants to hear is a list of excuses which he has heard over a thousand times. Have a free discussion and be sure that:
- You mention this problem before your interlocutor does it;
- You explain your usual behavior in order to inform the person that such things don’t happen usually in your case;
- Don’t insist on the subject and move forward to the discussion.
Ask questions
If you feel uncomfortable and you aren’t capable of answering the questions, the interview has no chance to be successful.
Before the interview, prepare some questions and be sure that they are adequate for the company and your desired position there. Profit by the time you earn while the interlocutor answers the question but pay attention also to what he says. The interlocutor can give you important information or can also ask you a question while answering to the one you asked.